Just letting you know, this will be a personal post.
That is, if I ever get myself to actually post it.
You see, there are certain parts of one’s heart, one’s pain that we like to keep private. But when I think about it and remember the joy, I just want to share, because by sharing it becomes timeless. And timelessness is something we cherish.
You know how we all have a certain uncle, one that we all think is brilliant. I don’t want to get into too many details, this is still very new, but he was so many things to so many people. And more than a husband, a proud dad and grandad, he was a MAN OF GOD.
It was he that was the very first person, when I was 18, to ask me to give him one of my printed photos to hang in his office. I was trying to play it cool and then he actually asked me to sign it. Sign it! I’ll never forget that moment. Though he probably never hung it, just the fact that he asked me for it. It set the track in motion for me honestly.
I can honestly say that because of him, me, Cristina, realized I am an artist. And for that I am forever grateful. I will forever miss him, until we meet again.
Te quiero mucho Tio Javier.