Bill and Racheal’s wedding was a blast. There’s just no other way to put it. From the awesome groomsmen sneakers, to the ice cream cookies (you know I had to have one…) to the Beastie Boys cover group, it was an awesome party. Her awesome coordinator Kathy from Plan It With Me and her team did an outstanding job with all the details and seriously her florist Deitra with Lush Couture Design did just beautiful with all the flowers and centerpieces! Love me some Deitra! Here are some of my favorites.
You can check out their engagement session here!
I love these. These are only two from the series, but I love all of them…
- For Racheal’s wedding gift, Bill prepared an a-w-e-s-o-m-e video with a song he wrote just for her. It was seriously the best gift we’ve seen.
- Yay Yay Yay!!! Here’s the video! {thank you Bill!}
They also had the Mavericks’ Drum Line perform through the night. I can’t even describe how good and FUN they were.

I LOVE this wedding! They look like they had so much FUN (which you know if THE most important thing to me)! And their romantics are some of my favorites you’ve done. Great colors, happy faces, stunning shots! Great job!
Erin! Thank you so much for saying that because I honestly shot about 30 frames in 4 minutes for the romantics and then they had to be escorted in to the reception! I’m 100% serious! The camera timer doesn’t lie. Ha! 🙂
On the outside chance anyone wants to see the video I made for Racheal (as referenced above)
Thank you Cristina!