I wish Shannon had more sisters! I have loved working with this family for years, they are the sort of people that you look forward to talking to again and again. Clint & Shannon were married at Ridglea Presbyterian Church with their reception at The Ashton Depot, one of our favorite Fort Worth venues. We loved getting to shoot Clint’s other love again, his 1965 Ford Mustang. 🙂
You van view their engagement session here.
You can also view Shannon’s bridal here.
Shannon gets a little help from her mom & sisters. 🙂
Love this! Ha!
Before the ceremony, we sneaked them to a quiet hallway so they could have a moment before the ceremony. Without seeing each other, of course!
A little alone time after the ceremony. Love.
How much I love this photo, let me count the ways…
Clint is one of five brothers and they all gave the newlyweds a great toast!
Overlooking their reception. I love that I was able to get this low key yet so sweet moment for them.
Last Dance. Love.