So Vanessa and I came down to St. Thomas to photograph Jenn & Ben’s wedding (Hi Jenn!!!!) and we had THE BEST TIME. We can not thank them enough for their hospitality. I can not wait to sit down and start editing! 🙂
Well, we went to the airport to catch our flight home (which we both secretly didn’t really want to go on) and something happened to our reservation because it was somehow canceled!!! With the next flight available not leaving until tomorrow evening, we were stranded in this beautiful island. We called the hotel to see if we could come back for an extra night – BOOKED! So our grandmother who lives in the island next door, Puerto Rico, got a very unexpected call from us. I am now sitting in my Abuela’s living room, just had some y-u-m-m-y food only grandmas know how to make and just thinking how funny life can sometimes be!
It has been a great weekend and though we were seriously confused by the airline mix up, we are glad to not only have gotten to shoot our very first destination wedding with one of the coolest couples, but at the chance to spend some time with Abuela & Abuelo.
So buenas noches for now, I will be back to the swing of things Tuesday morning!