The light was just perfect for Bart & Katie’s day as they celebrated with awesome friends. Their ceremony was held at one of our favorites, Marty Leonard Chapel with their reception at Downtown Fort Worth’s Reata Restaurant with some delicious food and lots of laughs. Vanessa and I loved Katie’s Priscilla of Boston gown – hello, it had pockets! Oh, and her bridesmaids are some of the coolest girls ever. Check out their homage to Bart below! Ha! Her super cute flowers were made by family friend Marla Havins and we loved their band, Trey and the TriTones. They were so good!
I loved how much time they gave me to do photos of just the two of them. Love, love!

Katie's girls gave her the best welcome when she arrived.

Her gown is from Priscilla of Boston - LOVE!

They spelled out Bart! Ha! It was awesome 🙂